We celebrated 3 years of meeting on Sunday mornings with a church wide bbq picnic today. The event was a great time, filled with rejoicing, eating, biblical fellowship, and, well...our pastors duking it out sumo style!

No, Craig is not doing pushups, nor is he praying prostrate before Pete, he just fell after he bowed to his opponent...

Good thing a few our guys were there to help him up...

See the look in Pete's eyes? I'm glad I wasn't in the ring with that guy...from the pulpit, it's all gospel; in the ring, it's all war...

Wow, I think he calls that one the "death bump"...Craig never stood a chance...

Ok, I know you guys hang out, but dancing?
Craig renegotiates the rules...
Pete underestimates Craig's muscle...
Not sure who Craig was aiming for here, but Pete doesn't look scared, he doesn't even flinch. But Sam did!
And the winner is...
I could watch the 2nd to last video a hundred times and still not get sick of it. Pastor Craig and his twinkle toes...Hilarious.
We have amazingly humble pastors. This just proves it...
What a memory!!!
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