Monday, March 30, 2009

Pressing On (4)

I mentioned last time that whenever we see things like global recessions the tendency of many people is to assume that this is unprecedented and unique in history and certainly a sign of the return of Christ.

Although I do believe that the return of Christ will have economic ramifications (Mark 13:8), Scripture seems to suggest that in many ways Christ's second coming will be in the midst of economic normalcy and routine (Luke 17:28; 12:20). His coming will surprise many who are caught up in the pursuits of everyday life.

So what seems to stand out in his return? It seems to me that the "increase of wickedness" that results when God's common grace over His creation, and over economic structures are removed, "the love of most will grow cold (Matt 24:12)."

More than any economic recession or depression, there will be a recession of the heart. A global depression of love and affection for Christ and for God's people. To the degree that the economy increases this global turning away of the heart from God, I believe the economy does indicate a sign of the imminence of His return.

What is the hope?

Notice the next verse...

Jesus goes on to say, "But the one who endures to the end, he will be saved. This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come (Matt 24:12-13)."

Notice that in the midst of increased coldness there is an increase in endurance. Don't miss the contrast and the special grace of God. Many will be growing cold in the midst of many who will be growing in endurance!

Do you see that those who endure to the end aren't cold? Do you see that those who endure to the end are those who respond to God entirely differently? While the effects of a weak earthly climate and weak economic climate cause the love of many to turn cold, it does not paralyze the endurance of others. While many grow cold, the people of God will burn in their love for God to the end--until they see His very face.

Moreover, their love for God not only causes them to stand firm in the evil day (Eph 6:13), but it emboldens them to step out in sacrifice for others.

More tomorrow...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pressing On (3)

I was listening to Christian radio this morning on the way into work. One thing that seems to be emphasized by the global economic recession is how this relates to what is termed "end times." Many people today are asking the question of how the current economic climate relates to the time of the Lord's return.
"Are these signs of the Lord's return?"

If you're asking that question, I'd like to offer my 2 minute response.

Yes...but don't

It is true that although technically we have been in the last days since Jesus walked this earth, we are now closer to His imminent return than ever before in history. However, Jesus didn't seem to emphasize the economic climate being the greatest indications of his glorious appearing. Rather, He pointed to worldwide tribulation that ultimately results in apostasy and people falling away. Notice His words in Matthew 24:10-12

"And then many will fall away and betray one another and hate one another. And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray. And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold."

More than the economy, it seems the emphasis is on the love of people toward God and each other that Jesus indicates as the major sign before his return. In other words, as evil increases, the leveling effect is apathy, lethargy, apostasy, and downright hatred toward God. That's "the love of many" turning "cold (v. 12)."

So it seems to me that to the degree the current economic recession has this worldwide effect of increased lawlessness, hatred, evil, and a global dampening of affection and love for Christ--then the current economic scene reflects exactly what Jesus speaks about in Matt. 24.

Is there hope? Read the next verse...

More tommorrow...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

For directions go here.

Movie Stars

Documentry of Power FM from Daniel Douglas on Vimeo.

Our own Daniel Douglas, Tre Dickerson, and Tiffany Cook are in my mind big time since Daniel put together this video for local station 89.7.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Meet Rob?

Hey guys, my friend Justin has had a series on his blog on "ordinary" pastors. He interviewed me if you want to take a look. Pretty funny stuff...