Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Reverse Halloween Party

Hey guys---

You are invited for our first ever Grace Church Singles Halloween Party this Friday, Oct. 31st starting at 6:30pm

We will begin at Prairie Estates Nursing Home at 6:30pm to reverse trick-or-treat and pass out candy to the residents. We will then head to Christie Childers' home at 7:30pm to eat, hang out and have a great time.

1. Create a non-scary costume (awards for most creative!)

2. Bring a bag of sugar free, individually wrapped candy (softer the better)

3. Show up at Prairie Estates at 6:30pm.

There will be surprises at this event...after all it's Halloween...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Fight of Faith as a Single

I wanted to remind you all of our next singles meeting this Friday @ 7pm at the Shaw's

I also want to give you a heads up on what we will be discussing as a group. For the past couple of months we've been focused on the inerrancy and full authority of the word of God--that it's our ultimate authority and the only thing we can trust to give us the final word for reality. We don't stand over it, evaluating it's authoritative truth claims--but we sit under it, recognizing its authority over our lives. It's power is supernatural to change our lives by changing our thinking.

For the next two (or more) meetings we will focus on how this power translates into actual help for a single--and your unique challenges. Although we've just begun a journey of sorts together, it has been great getting to know you in a clearer way over the past couple of months as I've interacted with many of you. Thank you for sharing struggles and challenges, areas where you want to see change and growth--things you've invited me to know about and pray for. I've been freshly reminded of the challenges you face--many that I struggle with currently--and that I remember facing uniquely as a single adult.

So for the next couple of meetings we are going to transition a little more into the practical and talk about how to fight the fight of faith using the power of God's word. How does the Bible, with all it's promises to bring change, help us all in the battle against lonliness, depression, fears of the future, guilt, or anxiety? How does the Word help in the nitty-gritty of daily struggle, the way God intended? It is my hope that we will be encouraged by God's total committment toward us thru His word.

Don't forget to bring a friend who needs to hear the gospel

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Grace Church 3rd anniversary picnic

We celebrated 3 years of meeting on Sunday mornings with a church wide bbq picnic today. The event was a great time, filled with rejoicing, eating, biblical fellowship, and, well...our pastors duking it out sumo style!

No, Craig is not doing pushups, nor is he praying prostrate before Pete, he just fell after he bowed to his opponent...
Good thing a few our guys were there to help him up...

See the look in Pete's eyes? I'm glad I wasn't in the ring with that guy...from the pulpit, it's all gospel; in the ring, it's all war...Wow, I think he calls that one the "death bump"...Craig never stood a chance...

Ok, I know you guys hang out, but dancing?

Craig renegotiates the rules...

Pete underestimates Craig's muscle...

Not sure who Craig was aiming for here, but Pete doesn't look scared, he doesn't even flinch. But Sam did!

And the winner is...

Friday, October 3, 2008


Rob is looking for the vandals that got to his car...here is a bit of the evidence:

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Daily Bible reading

Do you read blogs each day, but struggle to read your Bible? Crossway has a solution for you, why not have the Bible delivered to you via your rss feed (don't know what an rss feed is? No problem, click here)? This looks like a great resource, especially if you already use a rss reader. You can choose from a variety of options, ranging from a randomly selected "verse of the day", to a serious Bible reading plan like McCheyne's.

Check it out and let me know what you think.

(HT: 22 Words)