NA Conference '09 will be...
Memorial Day Weekend
May 23rd-26th
Baltimore Convention Center
Baltimore, MD
You will not regret saving to attend this conference...
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Reverse Halloween Party
Hey guys---
You are invited for our first ever Grace Church Singles Halloween Party this Friday, Oct. 31st starting at 6:30pm
We will begin at Prairie Estates Nursing Home at 6:30pm to reverse trick-or-treat and pass out candy to the residents. We will then head to Christie Childers' home at 7:30pm to eat, hang out and have a great time.
1. Create a non-scary costume (awards for most creative!)
2. Bring a bag of sugar free, individually wrapped candy (softer the better)
3. Show up at Prairie Estates at 6:30pm.
There will be surprises at this event...after all it's Halloween...
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
The Fight of Faith as a Single

I wanted to remind you all of our next singles meeting this Friday @ 7pm at the Shaw's
I also want to give you a heads up on what we will be discussing as a group. For the past couple of months we've been focused on the inerrancy and full authority of the word of God--that it's our ultimate authority and the only thing we can trust to give us the final word for reality. We don't stand over it, evaluating it's authoritative truth claims--but we sit under it, recognizing its authority over our lives. It's power is supernatural to change our lives by changing our thinking.
For the next two (or more) meetings we will focus on how this power translates into actual help for a single--and your unique challenges. Although we've just begun a journey of sorts together, it has been great getting to know you in a clearer way over the past couple of months as I've interacted with many of you. Thank you for sharing struggles and challenges, areas where you want to see change and growth--things you've invited me to know about and pray for. I've been freshly reminded of the challenges you face--many that I struggle with currently--and that I remember facing uniquely as a single adult.
So for the next couple of meetings we are going to transition a little more into the practical and talk about how to fight the fight of faith using the power of God's word. How does the Bible, with all it's promises to bring change, help us all in the battle against lonliness, depression, fears of the future, guilt, or anxiety? How does the Word help in the nitty-gritty of daily struggle, the way God intended? It is my hope that we will be encouraged by God's total committment toward us thru His word.
Don't forget to bring a friend who needs to hear the gospel
I also want to give you a heads up on what we will be discussing as a group. For the past couple of months we've been focused on the inerrancy and full authority of the word of God--that it's our ultimate authority and the only thing we can trust to give us the final word for reality. We don't stand over it, evaluating it's authoritative truth claims--but we sit under it, recognizing its authority over our lives. It's power is supernatural to change our lives by changing our thinking.
For the next two (or more) meetings we will focus on how this power translates into actual help for a single--and your unique challenges. Although we've just begun a journey of sorts together, it has been great getting to know you in a clearer way over the past couple of months as I've interacted with many of you. Thank you for sharing struggles and challenges, areas where you want to see change and growth--things you've invited me to know about and pray for. I've been freshly reminded of the challenges you face--many that I struggle with currently--and that I remember facing uniquely as a single adult.
So for the next couple of meetings we are going to transition a little more into the practical and talk about how to fight the fight of faith using the power of God's word. How does the Bible, with all it's promises to bring change, help us all in the battle against lonliness, depression, fears of the future, guilt, or anxiety? How does the Word help in the nitty-gritty of daily struggle, the way God intended? It is my hope that we will be encouraged by God's total committment toward us thru His word.
Don't forget to bring a friend who needs to hear the gospel
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Grace Church 3rd anniversary picnic
We celebrated 3 years of meeting on Sunday mornings with a church wide bbq picnic today. The event was a great time, filled with rejoicing, eating, biblical fellowship, and, well...our pastors duking it out sumo style!

No, Craig is not doing pushups, nor is he praying prostrate before Pete, he just fell after he bowed to his opponent...
Good thing a few our guys were there to help him up...

See the look in Pete's eyes? I'm glad I wasn't in the ring with that guy...from the pulpit, it's all gospel; in the ring, it's all war...
Wow, I think he calls that one the "death bump"...Craig never stood a chance...

Ok, I know you guys hang out, but dancing?
Craig renegotiates the rules...
Pete underestimates Craig's muscle...
Not sure who Craig was aiming for here, but Pete doesn't look scared, he doesn't even flinch. But Sam did!
And the winner is...
See the look in Pete's eyes? I'm glad I wasn't in the ring with that guy...from the pulpit, it's all gospel; in the ring, it's all war...
Ok, I know you guys hang out, but dancing?
Craig renegotiates the rules...
Pete underestimates Craig's muscle...
Not sure who Craig was aiming for here, but Pete doesn't look scared, he doesn't even flinch. But Sam did!
And the winner is...
Friday, October 3, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Daily Bible reading
Do you read blogs each day, but struggle to read your Bible? Crossway has a solution for you, why not have the Bible delivered to you via your rss feed (don't know what an rss feed is? No problem, click here)? This looks like a great resource, especially if you already use a rss reader. You can choose from a variety of options, ranging from a randomly selected "verse of the day", to a serious Bible reading plan like McCheyne's.
Check it out and let me know what you think.
(HT: 22 Words)
Check it out and let me know what you think.
(HT: 22 Words)
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Hey everyone, just thought I would point you to what looks to be a great new book, Worldliness: Resisting the Seduction of a Fallen World, edited by C.J. Mahaney and with chapters by Jeff Purswell, Dave Harvey, Bob Kauflin, and our very own Craig Cabaniss! John Piper writes the foreword to this very helpfully biblical and practical book.
From the back cover:
"This resource uncovers the presence of worldliness and helps believers learn to relate to the world while resisting its influence in their lives.
People today are saturated in technology and prosperity. They are bombarded with endless luxuries: clothes to wear, cars to buy, vacations to take, entertainment to enjoy. Yet this world, which offers so many pleasures, is actively opposed to God and the truth of His Word. How, then, is the believer to relate to the world in which he or she lives?
Worldliness: Resisting the Seduction of a Fallen World uncovers the presence of worldliness—the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes, and the boasting of what he has or does. Worldliness then reveals how Christians are to engage a fallen world and boldly preach the gospel, yet not be conformed and ultimately seduced by the system of this world.
As readers learn to identify the presence of worldliness in the areas of media, modesty, music, and material possessions, they can begin to resist its influence in their lives and instead pursue eternal godliness."
The chapter titles are:
Is This Verse In Your Bible? - C.J. Mahaney
God, My Heart, and Media - Craig Cabaniss
God, My Heart, and Music - Bob Kauflin
God, My Heart, and Stuff - Dave Harvey
God, My Heart, and Clothes - C.J. Mahaney
How to Love the World - Jeff Purswell
We have these on order and should be at the church resource table this Sunday, or you can get it from WTS or Amazon.
From the back cover:
"This resource uncovers the presence of worldliness and helps believers learn to relate to the world while resisting its influence in their lives.
People today are saturated in technology and prosperity. They are bombarded with endless luxuries: clothes to wear, cars to buy, vacations to take, entertainment to enjoy. Yet this world, which offers so many pleasures, is actively opposed to God and the truth of His Word. How, then, is the believer to relate to the world in which he or she lives?
Worldliness: Resisting the Seduction of a Fallen World uncovers the presence of worldliness—the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes, and the boasting of what he has or does. Worldliness then reveals how Christians are to engage a fallen world and boldly preach the gospel, yet not be conformed and ultimately seduced by the system of this world.
As readers learn to identify the presence of worldliness in the areas of media, modesty, music, and material possessions, they can begin to resist its influence in their lives and instead pursue eternal godliness."
The chapter titles are:
Is This Verse In Your Bible? - C.J. Mahaney
God, My Heart, and Media - Craig Cabaniss
God, My Heart, and Music - Bob Kauflin
God, My Heart, and Stuff - Dave Harvey
God, My Heart, and Clothes - C.J. Mahaney
How to Love the World - Jeff Purswell
We have these on order and should be at the church resource table this Sunday, or you can get it from WTS or Amazon.
The glory of Christ and the stale bread of the world
"The weakness of our hunger for Jesus is not because He is unsavory, but because we are so stuffed with the stale bread of the world. We have so nibbled at the table of the world that we are no longer hungry for the only food that satisfies."
John Piper, Hunger for God (Get the book free here)
I had originally posted this on my personal blog, but I was reminded of it again this morning while pondering the lack of angst in my devotions.
What are you hungry for? What table are you feasting at?
John Piper, Hunger for God (Get the book free here)
I had originally posted this on my personal blog, but I was reminded of it again this morning while pondering the lack of angst in my devotions.
What are you hungry for? What table are you feasting at?
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
Grant's Trip to China
We have several singles in our church who have taken various trips around the globe. Here's an email I got from Grant Ailie on his recent trip to China. I thought it more than appropriate to share on the night we gather for our Olympic event which will be in China--and since Aaron Mayfield will be heading there soon for his company.
He writes...
Here are a few interesting facts about China that I learned as a result of my trip.
- China has more people than any nation on earth.
- One sixth of the world's people live in China.
- There are more English speakers in China than in the United States.
Thank you all for your invaluable financial and prayer support. I appreciate it more than you know. Seeing God provide the money for my trip to China boosted my faith. During my first day in China I realized how incredibly different China is from the U.S. China while eating at a local Latin Steakhouse. My group, and some local English teachers and missionaries were meeting together to kick off our time in China and in order to brief us on what we would be doing during our stay. After we finished eating, a local English teacher closed in prayer. Before praying he told us that we should keep our eyes open while he prayed so that we did not attract the attention of anyone in the restaurant and appear to be doing something religious. (China is communistic and Christianity is closely regulated)Trip summary and highlights.My first activity after getting settled in at my living quarters at Southern China University of Agriculture (SCUA) was to teach at Busy Bee Preschool. Busy Bee is a school, slash day care center run by a Christian lady, for children ages four to six. I noticed that in spite of the under eighteen rule(which makes it illegal for a Chinese person under the age of 18 to be a member of a church or be baptized), children are being reached.
Upon arriving I was informed that they start the day with Bible time. I was asked to lead it, which I was not expecting. Thankfully I brought my Evangicube. An Evangicube looks like a Rubex cube and opens up and turns to different pictures which illustrate the gospel. I took it out and explained the gospel to the children using the Evangicube's pictures to visually illustrate. The children were fascinated as they observed the small square magically open up and change to different pictures. I went through it twice, making sure that all the children gathered around me could see the pictures. One of the teachers at the preschool observed me and showed interest in presenting it to them in Chinese. I showed her how it worked and she proceeded to use the Evangicube to present the gospel to the children in Chinese. I watched in wonder as she flipped through the pictures on the Evangicube, all the while explaining the meaning in their native language.
As I watched her I realized how faithful God is to spreading His fame and truth to the different people groups of the world.
We can't wait to hear how the trip to Africa went with Courtney and Alyssa...
Looking forward to tonight!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Next 3 Events

Hey gang--
I want to update you on the next 3 events we'll be doing as a group. Although we may do more, please put these on your calendars!
Friday, August 8th Olympic Opening Night 6:30pm at Bob and Sharon Hughes
The Hughes will be China and serving Chinese food. You must pick the country you're representing and bring a dish from that country. French fries from America don't count.
Friday, August 29th Singles Worship 7pm location TBA
Friday, September 12 Singles Worship 7pm location TBA
Can't wait to see you there.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Kung Fu Soccer
I know some of ya'll are into softball, but what about getting a couple of teams together to start a local "soccer-tennis" league? Check out the video, looks pretty easy...

Thursday, July 24, 2008
Sing with Me
Check out my wife's blog for some great news from our family. I've never tasted pizza so good!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Chuck Norris
This is good.
Go to Google’s mainpage and type in: “How do I find Chuck Norris?”
Then click, "I’m feeling lucky".
(HT: Z)
Go to Google’s mainpage and type in: “How do I find Chuck Norris?”
Then click, "I’m feeling lucky".
(HT: Z)
Friday, July 18, 2008
Interest list
If you didn't have the opportunity the other night, Rob and I are looking for a few for various areas of specialty and interest. See the list below and let us know if you are gifted in a certain area, or if you aren't gifted but have an interest anyway! You can either post it in the comments or just shoot Rob an email.
Worship Team
Welcome/greeter team
Food coordination
Social events
Outreach/ Evangelism
Creative arts/ Journaling/ Blogging/ Photography
Worship dance (yes!! oh wait, I think Rob was kidding about this one...)
Worship Team
Welcome/greeter team
Food coordination
Social events
Outreach/ Evangelism
Creative arts/ Journaling/ Blogging/ Photography
Worship dance (yes!! oh wait, I think Rob was kidding about this one...)
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
A Divine Perspective Changes Everything

I've been helped this week by Eric Hughes message on Ps. 73.
I desire a greater increase of an eternal, divine perspective on all things in my life.
One of the things I'd like us to do as a singles ministry is ask the question, "since that is true, how do I maintain a divine perspective?"
I'd like to hear both how the Lord is using that sermon in your life this week, and also hear what your thoughts on the maintaining of a divine perspective...
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Singles meeting July 11
Hey everyone, just a quick word...
Our next meeting will be next Friday night, July 11th, at the Tombrella house from 7-10pm. If you don't know where it's at, ask somebody! Or email Rob or Aaron...
We'll post more on this over the weekend (food, fun, you know the drill).
Hope to see you there!
Our next meeting will be next Friday night, July 11th, at the Tombrella house from 7-10pm. If you don't know where it's at, ask somebody! Or email Rob or Aaron...
We'll post more on this over the weekend (food, fun, you know the drill).
Hope to see you there!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Calling all Blogging Singles of our church
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